Samstag, 21. Dezember 2024
Pro Europa • Europäsche Kulturstiftung
European Foundation for Culture • Fondation Européene de la Culture
President Committee of Patrons: H.R.H. Prince of Denmark
Grusswort des Präsidenten der Europäischen Kommission, José Manuel BARROSO, an Stuttgarter Ballett
Europäische Kulturpreisverleihung an das Stuttgarter Ballett (Bild: Stuttgarter Ballett)
Der Präsident des Europäischen Kommission, José Manuel BARROSO, übermittelte zur Verleihung des Europäischen Tanz-Kultur-Preises an das Stuttgarter Ballett folgende persönliche Botschaft. Die Verleihung fand am 21. Dezember 2013 in der Stuttgarter Oper statt. Das Foto zeigt: Ministerpräsident Winfried Kretschmann, Marcia Haydée, Tamas Detrich, Sigrun Lang, Präsidentin des Kulturforums Straßburg/Baden-Baden, und Ballettintendant Reid Anderson (v.l.n.r.) nach der Preisverleihung. Foto: Stuttgarter Ballett
Messase to be conveyed at the awarding ceremony of the
"European Cultural Prize for Ballet "
Unfortunately scheduling reasons keep me from attending tonight's very special event.
First, I would like to thank the European Cultural Foundation for its tireless efforts in favour
of an open, democratic and inclusive Europe in which culture is a valued and key contributor.
And I am delighted to warmly congratulate tonight's honouree, the worldwide famous
Stuttgart Ballet. On this occasion I would like to pay tribute to its founder, John Cranko.
The Stuttgart Ballet's work is a shining example of the breadth and depth of European
openness, creativity and talent.
Such thriving creativity and luminous talents are vitally important to every nation and every
individual all over the world because they give all of us a sense of what is possible, they exude
heart and humanity.
This is important for me, not only personally, but also as the President of the European
Commission not least because culture is the cement that binds Europe together.
In Pina Bausch 's words, you, the artists, you strive to create and you do create "a space
where we can encounter each other. "
This is what Europe is fundamentally about: to bring peoples closer together. Indeed, the
European Union happens not only through economic and political bonds but most
importantly through people-to-people connections.
You wonderfully display worldwide Europe at its best. And I warmly applaud you for that.
I wish you all a superb evening.
José Manuel BARROSO
President of the European Commission